One flew over the cuckoos nest

One flew over the cuckoos nest

Ifound it fascinating that nearly every theme, motif, and repeating phrase descends the scale, creating asingular, flowing, motion that is hard to ignore. Ican literally picture the water flowing in the pool, the drizzly haze of the sprinklers, the slowly crawling tears, and the lightly sprinkling showers of rain as James Newton Howards beautiful piano ostinato for the Blue World theme makes the watery world of Lady in the Water flow into your mind in away that can only be achieved by amaster composer. If it has not already been apparent, Lady in the Water has leaped into my top 10 soundtrack favorites, and one flew over the cuckoos nest tops Signs as James Newton Howards best musical collaboration with the famous or infamous director. If you adored the movie, enjoyed similar soundtracks such as The Village or especially Signs, or simply appreciate subtle music that does not beat you over the head with simple melody and repetitious rhythm, then Lady in the Water can and should form one of the hallmarks of your collection in as rapid amanner as is possible. I was told by, ahem, a psychic recently to change my drinking water, which is primarily Portland tap water. I know that city water is probably mildly bad for me, like duh, but then so are a lot of things from the air I breathe, to food I consume, to the electromagnetic fields I m bathed in. As an environmentalist first and later one of those chronically ill Americans with what I have referred to as a nebulous, intransigent allergy to civilization. I went through a phase of toxin nazi-ism utilizing air and water filters, writing my schoolwork with pencil and paper, and shaking my fist at automobiles, and found, not only did it not noticeably improve my health, it actually made life suck harder and that being friends with people like that just isn t very fun. So I gave it up for a life of moderate toxic hedonism. I ll eat cane sugar and swim in a chlorinated pool and sometimes wear aluminum based antiperspirant, especially if it means I have to wash my clothes less often. I HATE doing laundry. But after getting an off-the-charts lead reading in a recent heavy metals test, I m slightly more open to suggestion. First though, I want to know what exactly is in this Portland water. According to the front page of the Portland Water Bureau website, they deliver The best drinking water in the world. I highly doubt it, but given the state of the world that is probably nothing to brag about. Portland s primary source of water is rainwater from the protected Bull Run Watershed, located in the Mt. Hood National Forest in the vicinity of Sandy, Oregon. On rare occasions this is supplemented from an underground aquifer system. This water is tested regularly for 200 contaminants including pesticides and radioactive particles. It is naturally soft water, does not have added fluoride, and is not filtered. At its source the water is one flew over the cuckoos nest namely by Beaver Fever giardia and other expected surface water organisms. So the water has to be disinfected somehow and that is done using chlorine, and then ammonia is added to form chloramine, which maintains even distribution throughout the system because as we all know from the smell, chlorine evaporates. The Water Bureau claims this also cuts down on the formation of potentially harmful disinfection byproducts such as trihalomethanes and haloacetic acids from the reaction of chlorine with organic substances.

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