Surrogates part 1 Some highly

Surrogates part 1

Some highly acclaimed underground battle rappers have taken to the ring in the past twenty years. JUICE, Eminem, Eyedea, and Sage Francis found themselves in the lime light at the Rap Olympics also known as Scribble Jam. However, even the last decade produced a metamorphosis for the underground battle scene. Grind Time appears to have risen the bar on lyricism by allowing rappers to bring pre-written rhymes to the table, instead of traditional freestyle rhymes. Illmaculate vs. TheSaurus. Both of these punchlines king face off in a three round bout that awes an entire audience of avid underground rap battle fans. This battle far exceeds many of the attempts in recent years. Madness vs. TheSaurus. Madness reminds me of the fat kid facing off on the school playground with YoMama jokes, except he actually integrates punch lines that blows minds. Unfortunately, his prowess does not outperform TheSaurus s clever delivery, cadence, and unique flow. Locksmith vs. Dizaster. Grind Time presents memorable classics, including this promo battle that left Dizaster in tears. Locksmith relentlessly lays blows on Dizaster s personal life that apparently felt like a disaster. Illmaculate vs. Conceited. A lopsided battle, Immaculate destroys his opponent without leaving much recovery time. Dizaster vs. Organik. Both semi-heavy weights go round-for-round in a memorable Grind Time battle that will leave spectators chuckling. Want to get paid to write for Made Manual? Join Break Studios and earn money writing about things you know.

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